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    21st Century Love

    All little girls (well most little girls) dream of growing up and marrying the boy of their dreams. Which if you are a toddler or young child, that is typically your father. (It is a phase we all go through)…

  • Blogging

    A Mother’s Guilt

    There is guilt in everything you do I feel like when you become a mom. Am I feeding them enough? Feeding them correctly? Teaching them enough? Cuddling them enough? Showing discipline enough? Giving them enough attention? Giving them too much…

  • Uncategorized

    Birth During a Pandemic

    To all those women out there that have or will experience having a baby during COVID; THIS IS FOR YOU! When I got pregnant for the second time, not in a million years would I have predicted that I was…

  • Uncategorized

    Good with the Bad.

    Do not get me wrong, COVID-19 may be the scariest thing that has happened during my lifetime. It has taken many innocent lives and affected countless others. This blog post is not about taking away from that fact, at all.…

  • Blogging

    Oh, Hello! The Blog Life

    Blogging. I feel like at some point everyone gives it a-go, but why on earth would I give it a-go? Hmm…. that is a good question. Maybe it is the fact that we are stuck at home due to Covid-19…