The Juicebox Sisters

The girls behind the blog, Oaklynn and Avey Rowe. Their initials are where we got The Juicebox Sisters; OJ and AJ, orange juice and apple juice. Clever, I know.

Oaklynn Jean Rowe.
AKA: OJ or Juice

Born on May 3, 2019, making me a mother for the first time. They always say there is something about your first, and that is so true. She is a spitfire (meaning she is crazy, spoiled, and a total brat). I don’t want her to grow up!

Avey James Rowe.

Born on April 7, 2020, making me a mother for the second time in ONE YEAR. We call Avey Girl the “all or nothing child”. She is going to laugh the cutest, cry the loudest, sleep the longest, eat the most, etc. She keeps us on our toes! She has been the perfect addition to this chaotic family.