
Good with the Bad.

Do not get me wrong, COVID-19 may be the scariest thing that has happened during my lifetime. It has taken many innocent lives and affected countless others. This blog post is not about taking away from that fact, at all.

However, I have experienced good with the bad. In March, I was sent home to start teaching virtually. At the time, I was 35 weeks pregnant and so ready to have Avey. As most of you know, teachers never went back! During this quarantine, two amazing things, scratch that, three amazing things happened.

  1. Since we never went to in class sessions, I did not have to take maternity leave. For some of you that do not know, teachers do not get paid maternity leave. We have to use all of our sick days, and then hope that we qualify for short term disability for 60% pay. I did not qualify for short term disability because I was pregnant when I was ALLOWED to sign up for it. Do not get me started on this…. I digress. BUT since I could teach virtually, I was able to stay home with my babies and still get full pay!!
  3. Because no one knew anything about COVID-19, my husband was allowed to take 10 weeks paid leave under the new regulations made by the president (maybe one of the only decent things he has done). Jacob got two weeks when Oaklynn was born. How does that seem fair? Why isn’t paternity leave a thing? Having a baby is one of the most beautiful/hardest things people get the privilege of experiencing. I literally would not have been able to keep my sanity if Jacob hadn’t been home to help. A newborn and an 11 month old is not the easiest task especially after you have just been through labor and delivery. With that being said, I have the utmost respect for single mothers and/or fathers.

Despite all the unknown. Despite all the fear. Despite all the pain. The loss. The isolation. I was given TIME. Time, the one thing that you never get back. My husband got time with his family. I got time with my babies. Time. Value it.

Sending all my love and prayers to those whose time was taken from them by this deadly virus.

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